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Asteroids - Additional Resources

NASA and the JPL Laboratories have excellent resources on all of the planets. The following links are additional resources for Asteroids and Comets and other small bodies:

For Asteroids:

For Comets:

NASA's Solar System Exploration Website
NASA/JPL Photo-Planetary Journal (same for asteroids and KBO's)
USGS Website for Comets (same as asteroids)

For comet discovery (if you discovered one), visit here.

For Kuiper Belt Objects (KBO's) and other small bodies:

NASA's Solar System Exploration Website
NASA/JPL Photo-Planetary Journal (same for comets and asteroids)

Additional information from the JPL Solar System website:

NASA Fact Sheets:

Asteroid Fact Sheet
Asteroid Home Page
Near Earth Object Fact Sheet
Comet Fact Sheet
Comet Hale-Bopp
Comet C/1996 B2 Hyakutake
Comet Chiron
Planetary Fact Sheet Notes
Notes on the Fact Sheets

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