Viewing Tips:
Now that you have a list of Coming
Events, how do you view them? That depends on what it is you are viewing.
Meteor Showers:
These annual events are always fun to watch. While the particular
shower is visible over a span of several days, there is a peak date where the
number of meteors possible will be highest. Meteor showers are
measure by numbers visible per hour. While there is a guide available (lets say
the Perseids have an average of 40 per hour - not an accurate number) this is
not the standard. There could only be 10 per hour, or maybe 100 per hour.
showers are unpredictable in the number visible.
On the peak date of any given
meteor shower, the best time to view them is
usually between 11:30 P.M. and 2:30 A.M. The radiant - that is the originating
location of the
meteors - is defined by the name of the shower. For example, the Perseids appear
to radiate from the constellation Perseus. Note that this is apparent only as it
just happens to be in that region of the sky; regardless, the Perseids will
always appear from this location. The Orionids will appear to radiate from the
constellation Orion, and so on.
Solar Eclipse:
Solar Eclipse is a wonderful and rare event, but must be viewed cautiously.
I have created a dedicate
Viewing Safety page to help guide the Solar observer get the most out of
this event.
For the record, it is safe to go outside during an eclipse!
Lunar Eclipse:
There are no precautions needed to view a lunar eclipse. You are free to use
binoculars or a telescope to view this wonderful event. One thing to make sure
of: make sure you have plenty of film if you plan to photograph a
Lunar Eclipse! You wouldn't want to miss a thing.
Interesting Conjunctions:
These events are merely
photo opportunities as several celestial objects -
like the Moon and a few planets - are in the same region of the sky. These events
will allow the given objects listed in the conjunction list to be in the same
field of view of a camera. The most dramatic events seem to be either just after
Sunset and just before Sunrise when the planets
Mercury and/or
Venus happen to
be a part of the event.
You can safely view these events, and
photography is encouraged. However, you
may have to take many images as the brightness between the background, Moon and
planets can vary greatly.
A transit occurs when one celestial body passes in front of another. While
transits of the Moons of
Jupiter across the face of
Jupiter occur frequently,
the most dramatic of these events is the transit of
Mercury or
Venus across the
face of the
Sun. These are truly rare events and
Viewing Safety should be carefully obeyed. When
Mercury or
Venus pass in
front of the
Sun, there is no visible loss in brightness be please be careful in
viewing these!
While binoculars - equipped with the appropriate
solar filters - can be used
to view this event, these are best observer with a telescope - with the
appropriate solar filters installed. Video capture is common in these events as
photographs captured every few seconds for the duration of the event.
For the record, only the planets
Mercury and
Venus can transit the
Sun. This
is because the orbits of
Mercury and
Venus around the
Sun are inside the orbit
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