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About Us
"The most incomprehensible thing about the Universe is that it is completely comprehensible." Albert Einstein.
This website is a project of two people with some material contributed from friends, classmates, colleagues and fellow enthusiasts.

A short biography about me can be found on the blog portion of the website.

Almost all of the material within this site was written by me. Other material are a direct plug-in from essays and projects I have written during my pursuit of my Master's Degree in Astronomy. Any material and images that have come from any source other than my own material is so indicated.

Astronomy Online is more than just a hobby for me, it is a way I can contribute to the world of astronomy - and I hope you find it useful.

Site updates as well as new features are planned and executed by me and my wife. The cost for bandwidth, Internet service providers and back up are paid for by what little money we have. It used to be paid by my day job but I have become permanently disabled so I must get creative in how I get the funds to keep running the site.

If you like the website, please tell your friends.

Welcome to an Internet safe zone!

I have separated this website into major categories, with each main category grouped into easy to follow sub-categories. The content on this site is not to replace other website's, magazines or textbooks; only to serve as a reference or to enhance existing content, books, and magazines.

I used to pride my self to keeping this site as ad free as possible. Because of my disability, I must find money any way I can so I have decided to advertise, but I am selective to whom I allow to advertise. I will not allow advertising to interfere with content or be mixed with content. Most ads will either be on the main page (home page) or on the weblinks page and will be marked as advertising to eliminate confusion if the ads are located elsewhere. I will not allow flash ads that will divert ones eye to the ad - unless they pay me enough to buy a nice telescope and camera that will be used for the site.

The website used to sit on my own server, but due to some financial setbacks I have had to switch to web hosting. The cost in electricity alone covers the yearly cost to host the site, which is a good thing.

I do have Facebook page under my name Ricky Murphy, and Twitter @astronomyonline. I also have a Flickr account at Astronomy Online. I do this so I can send quick updates as well as share photos of any topic.

Where I am not:

Geocities, MySpace, YouTube, Google Groups, del.ecio.uc, any other community sites.

Because of the consolidation of my blog and the website, everything falls under This means that I do not have any blog or MySpace page or any other "free" account anywhere. If you see one, it is not from me.

Many thanks...

Ricky Leon Murphy

Welcome to
"Astronomy is the study of everything." Carl Sagan.

Astronomy Online has been nominated for a Webby Award as one of the five best science websites for 2006.

In addition to a Webby nomination, Thompson Scientific has included Astronomy Online in its extensive research database.

A visitor to the site was kind enough to make a submission to

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Astronomy Online has also been recognized by several publications:

In September 2007, the website received a very favorable review from Education World:

Here are some fun items: Astronomy Online Certificates.

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