The Messier Objects - Images by James McGaha and Tim Hunter:
Latest |
Earth |
Solar System |
Star Cluster |
Nebulae |
Galaxies |
Egypt's Night Sky |
I would like to thank James McGaha for capturing these images as well as Tim Hunter for his hard work in capturing, processing
and compiling these wonderful Messier Objects. More information about Tim Hunter
and James McGaha can be found at their website, the
Grasslands Observatory.
These Messier images were captured using a 24 inch reflecting telescope with
a Finger Lakes Dream
Machine CCD camera.
Click for: M1 to M24 |
M25 to M51 |
M52 to M75 |
M76 to M96 | M97 to M110 |
The Complete List
I have also compiled a table of
Messier Objects to other catalog listing.
Here are the Messier Objects - M97 to M110:
M97 - "Owl Nebula" a planetary nebula in the
constellation Ursa Major. |
M98 - a spiral galaxy in the constellation Coma
Berenices. |
M99 - a spiral galaxy in the constellation Coma
Berenices. |
M100 - "The Mirror of M99" a spiral galaxy in the
constellation Coma Berenices. |
M101 - a spiral galaxy in the constellation Ursa
Major. |
M102 - the missing M object? A lenticular galaxy in
the constellation Draco, some still believe it is also M101 (a duplicate
entry). |
M103 - an open cluster in the constellation
Cassiopeia. |
M104 - "Sombrero Galaxy" a spiral galaxy in the
constellation Virgo. |
M105 - an elliptical galaxy (right of center) in the
constellation Leo. |
M106 - a spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes
Venatici. |
M107 - a globular cluster in the constellation
Ophiuchus. |
M108 - a spiral galaxy in the constellation Ursa
Major. |
M109 - a barred spiral galaxy in the constellation
Ursa Major. |
M110 - an elliptical galaxy in the constellation
Andromeda (a companion to M31). |
M68 Revisited - a globular cluster in the
constellation Hydra. Image is in standard color. |
M68 Revisited - a globular cluster in the
constellation Hydra. Image is in Infrared. |
Click for: M1 to M24 |
M25 to M51 |
M52 to M75 |
M76 to M96 | M97 to M110 |
The Complete List
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